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This section will cover the entire political realm. There will be articles from staff members in each issue, covering local, state and Federal politics.

Super Tuesday came and passed by faster than Superman could put on his suit.
The Democrats have a neck-and-neck race, while the Republicans have it one-sided for an untrue conservative, John McCain.
You can see my interpretation of Super Tuesday on Politics & YouTube In Review at
The breakdown of how PYIR voted:
Editor-In-Chief Jake Leonard: Mitt Romney
Assistant Editor Robin Lorway: She's Canadian, so I wasn't sure
Assistant Editor Kevin Nalty: No email return response
Assistant Technology Editor Trevor Gordon: Forgot to vote - Hillary Clinton
Technology Editor Kristoffer Truitt: Didn't answer response - no one
Field Correspondent James Garrison: Barack Obama

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Please feel free to contact the editor-in-chief Jake Leonard at the blog's official email address at

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